Web Developer Credentials Web Developer Please fill out the following form as best you can. Name * Name First First Last Last How many websites have you built? Proficient with the following Web Platforms/Tools: * WordPress Installation and Setup Installing WordPress Plugins Updating WordPress Plugins Analyzing WordPress Plugins WooCommerce Products WooCommerce Taxes WooCommerce Shipping WooCommerce Payment Options The Elementor WordPress Plugin Creating Custom Plugins Using WordPress Hooks WordPress REST API Adobe Illustrator cPanel SFTP Email Setup and Configuration Domain Name Server Configuration Check all that apply. Proficient with the following Programming Languages * HTML CSS LESS JavaScript jQuery Node.js PHP C# SQL or MySQL Check all that apply. Style the following link element using CSS such that the text is red: <style> </style> <a href="#" id="imred">Link</a> Create a javascript class called "Person" and give it function "GetName": <script> </script> Create a PHP object called "Person" and give it a method "SetName" which accepts a string parameter that sets a private variable "name": Create a C# namespace called "App" that contains a public class "Person" with a protected attribute "name" (string): Write a SQL statement that selects all columns from table "person", where "name" contains "Node", and order the results ascending by "name": Fix any errors in the following: * <style> .text-center { text-algin; center; padding: 10; } </style> <a href="#"><span class="text-center"><?= date("Y-m-d") ?></a></span> <script type="text/javascript"> var amount = "$" + 5 + 2; jQuery(document).ready(function() { $(".text-center").addClass("date") $(document).find("a").on('tap', function(e) { e.preventDefault; }); }); </script> What is responsive design and is it important? * What are the biggest differences between developing for mobile and desktop? * If credentials were supplied, how long would it take for you to install WordPress with WooCommerce? What is WordPress? 15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes WordPress installs automatically After installing WordPress, what are the most important settings to configure and plugin(s) to install (if any)? Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.